
ICRT客家風情-發現客家之美 客庄古蹟巡禮 Hakka village historical sites 台灣各地遍布著一幢幢客家庄古蹟,例如:在桃園市新屋區的范姜公廳為市定古蹟。在新竹縣北埔鄉的金廣福公館為國家第一級古蹟,是現今全臺碩果僅存的公館建築。雲林縣西螺鎮的崇遠堂為國家三級古蹟,是全臺詔安客家最大的家廟。遊客們不妨放慢腳步、細細觀賞這些被歷史刻下美麗痕跡的古蹟。 Across Taiwan, there are numerous Hakka village historical sites. For example, in Xinyu District of Taoyuan City, the Fanjiang's Old Houses are designated as a municipal historic site. In Hsinchu County’s Beipu Township, the Jin Guang Fu Mansion is a national level-one historic site and one of the few remaining public mansion buildings in Taiwan. Visitors are encouraged to take their time and appreciate these ancient sites, marked by beautiful traces of history.
