VUIZE 王鍾惟【Go Mode】
客語歌手Vuize王鍾惟對從小成長的教育體制感到不滿,於是他求新求變、追逐理想中的生活態度。這個人生經驗使他創作了歌曲《Go Mode》,歌名用英語來表示,意思為不甘停滯、求新求變的態度。 這個詞恰好與海陸腔(Hailu dialect)客語「孤盲(goˋ moˋ)」的發音很像,不過客語的意思,主要是在斥責叛逆之人或行為時使用。 Hakka singer Vuize was unhappy with the education system he grew up in, so he sought change and chased his dream of a perfect life attitude. This life experience led him to create the song "Go Mode." The title is in English and means an attitude of not being content with stagnation and always seeking change. Interestingly, the word sounds like "孤盲(goˋ moˋ)" in the Hailu dialect of Hakka, which is used to scold or criticize rebellious people or actions. But in the song, the title means something positive: always wanting to change and grow.