
ICRT客家風情-客家歌曲介紹 Vuize王鍾惟【全分你講】 來自新竹新埔的客語饒舌創作歌手Vuize王鍾惟,他用自身母語將人生體悟寫入歌曲中,像《全分你講》這首歌是在討論親子關係,有些父母會將自己小時候想達成、但最終沒有實現的願望投射在孩子身上,甚至對孩子抱有深厚期望,卻使孩子備感壓力,不禁想反抗,導致親子關係充滿矛盾、漸漸失去愛與同理心。 Vuize is a rapper from Hsinchu’s Xinpu. He writes songs in his native Hakka language about life. This song, 《全分你講》, is about parents and children. Sometimes, parents hope their children will do things they couldn't do themselves. This can make the child feel a lot of stress and cause problems between parents and children. It can even make love and understanding disappear from the relationship.
