
ICRT客家風情-客家歌曲介紹 山狗大後生樂團【收就(新民庄調)】 簡介:山狗大後生樂團的《簷風謠》專輯,榮獲今年第34屆金曲獎「最佳客語專輯」獎,整張專輯以經典傳統客家民謠為基底,進行再創作。將世代傳唱的歌詞旋律結合全新創作詞曲,編織成色彩豐富的當代音像。大量的樂器演奏元素和大編制的實體配器編曲,質量直逼演奏音樂。《簷風謠》形塑出客家音樂的新樣貌,為傅統和現代的結合走出一條新路。 收錄其中的《收就》歌曲是以客家山歌《新民庄調》為基底,重新填詞譜曲,再輔以主唱Rita平順、柔婉的歌聲唱出阿郎與阿妹互訴衷腸的畫面。 The album 《簷風謠》 performed by the New San Geu Tai Band has won this year's Golden Melody Awards for "Best Hakka Album". The album stands out for its innovative blend of traditional Hakka mountain songs and contemporary pop music, giving a fresh interpretation of the Hakka musical tradition. Among the tracks is the song 《收就》which is a reimagined version of the traditional Hakka mountain song 《新民庄調》.The song is complemented by new lyrics and a revised melody, with the band's lead vocalist, Rita, delivering a melodious rendition that narrates a story of two characters, A Lang and A Mei, exchanging verses of a love song.
