
ICRT客家風情-客家歌曲介紹 邱淑蟬【發夢】Nightmare 來自高雄美濃的邱淑蟬,兒時常在黃蝶翠谷觀賞蝴蝶紛飛、在河流中看小魚游水。但長大後看見環境變遷,便不禁懷疑小時候的記憶是真的嗎?因此以「做夢」的概念創作《發夢》這首歌,描述:環境好像做了惡夢,失去以往的美麗。邱淑蟬更提醒大家:人生道路上,向前邁進的同時也要回頭看看曾經犧牲了什麼,雖然逝去東西無法復原,也要盡全力減緩變壞的速度。 Chiu Shu-chan from Meinong, Kaohsiung used to watch butterflies flying and fish swimming in the river at Yellow Butterfly Valley during her childhood. However, as she grew up and saw the changes in the environment, she began to doubt whether her memories from childhood were real. Therefore, she created the song "Nightmare", describing how the environment seems to have had a nightmare and lost its former beauty. Chiu Shu-chan also reminds everyone that while moving forward in life, we should also look back at what we have sacrificed. Although lost things cannot be restored, we should do our best to slow down the pace of deterioration.
