
ICRT客家風情-客家歌曲介紹 李彥鋒【佢自家个路】His Own Way Home 由屏東竹田的後生客家人-李彥鋒創作的《佢自家个路》歌曲,描述了李彥鋒在年紀輕輕的時候,對於人生處事抱持著「不用想太多,就逕直一步步往下走」,經過多年的淬鍊,他感受到「即便追夢路上只剩自己、就算寫的歌曲只剩寥寥幾人在聽」,也沒什麼好害怕,就繼續以輕鬆的腳步,往夢想前進吧! The song "His Own Way Home" created by Li Yanfeng, a young Hakka from Zhu Tian, Pingtung, describes his philosophy of life when he was young, which was to "not think too much and just take things one step at a time." After years of experience, he feels that even if he is left to chase his dreams by himself, or if only a few people are listening to his songs, there is nothing to fear; he’ll continue to move forward towards his dreams with a light step.
