
ICRT客家風情-客家歌曲介紹 Yappy【火旁龍】 苗栗「火旁龍」是個熱鬧、有趣的元宵活動,藉由舞動神龍、用鞭炮炸龍方式來驅邪納吉,並期望新年能夠平安吉祥、五穀豐收。有位擅長嘻哈、 Drill曲風的客家饒舌歌手,Yappy,將「火旁龍」這個民俗活動跟新世代「嘻哈」潮流結合成獨樹一格的歌曲《火旁龍》,展現出最傳統卻也最流行的一面。 Miaoli’s Lunar New Year “biang long” event is a rowdy activity, where people dance with dragons and set off firecrackers to drive away evil spirits and bring in good luck. The traditional event has been a way to hope for bountiful crops in the next harvest season, and a peaceful and auspicious new year. Hakka rapper and hip-hop artist Yappy adds a modern flair to this long standing practice and combines it with contemporary beats, creating a unique song called “火旁龍 Bombing Dragon”.
