作者:Actor | 分類:Audible Stories
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全國客家日 National Hakka Day
在2021年以前,「全國客家日」是定在農曆1月20日的「天穿日」舉辦,但南部客庄大部分沒有「天穿日」這個節日,因此從2022年開始,客委會將12月28日訂為「全國客家日」,期望將客語從聯合國教科文組織的語言活力標準的「嚴重瀕危」變成「安全」的狀態。 Before 2021, the National Hakka Day was on the 20th day of the first lunar month, coinciding with the Ripped Sky Festival. However, most Hakka communities in southern Taiwan don't observe this festival. So since 2022, the Hakka Affairs Council designated December 28th as the new National Hakka Day. This aims to enhance the status of the Hakka language from "severely endangered" to "safe" based on UNESCO Language Vitality Assessment Indicators.