作者:Actor | 分類:Audible Stories
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邱淑蟬【棉被 Comforter】
人啊~為了生計每日將精力獻在工作上,夜晚拖著疲憊的身軀回到家後只想倒在床上,裹著棉被,感受被陪伴的感覺,好好休息一番。由邱淑蟬創作的歌曲《棉被》特別邀請萬芳共同演唱,兩股療癒人心的歌聲如同棉被,溫暖的把你包裹住,在想放聲大哭的夜晚,為你帶來安全感。 In the song "Comforter" by Chiu Shu Chan, the daily struggles of life take center stage. People dedicate their energy to work every day, and when they come home at night, all they want to do is collapse into bed. Wrapped in a comforter, they seek the feeling of companionship and a good rest. Chiu Shu Chan invited singer Wan Fang to join her for this song. Their combined soothing voices act like a comforter, wrapping you in warmth. Their voices bring a sense of security, especially on nights when you're feeling down and want to cry.