作者:Actor | 分類:Audible Stories
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由米莎創作的歌曲《跈等》唱出時間猶如一條遼闊的河流,它從過去流向未來,在這條河流上,可以看到祖輩開墾的一畝畝田地與辛苦建立並佇立在此的家園,讓子孫跟隨時間的腳步,開展新的人生道路並繼續守護那些老屋裡的故事。 現在,跟著米莎那充滿正面力量的歌聲,往未來勇敢邁進吧! Misa's song "Following" tells us that time is like a wide river, flowing from the past into the future. On this river, you can see the fields cultivated by our ancestors and the homes they've built through hard work. These serve as a foundation for future generations to follow the footsteps of time, embark on new life journeys, and continue to protect the stories housed in those old homes. Now, let's move bravely into the future with the uplifting vocals of Misa's "Following"!