作者:Actor | 分類:Audible Stories
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秋林【春夏秋冬】Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter
由歌手秋林創作的《春夏秋冬》濃縮了四季更迭的場景: 春季雨水落在屋簷上發出叮咚響聲,喚醒世間萬物, 夏季烈焰照大地,農夫頂著熱辣日頭收割並鋪曬成穗的稻穀, 秋季涼風習習,在枯枝落葉之間窺看一輪明月; 冬季天漸冷,農夫將稻米脫穀收藏起來,等待過新年。 現在就聽著這首輕快的歌曲,迎接新的季節吧! In the song "Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter" by singer Qiu Lin, the essence of the changing seasons is beautifully captured: Spring brings raindrops that create a gentle melody as they fall on the eaves, awakening all life. Summer's intense sunlight scorches the earth while farmers harvest and lay out rice grains to dry under the blazing sun. Autumn ushers in refreshing breezes that reveal glimpses of the bright moon amid withered branches and fallen leaves. And winter's cold sets in as farmers remove the husks from rice and store it for the coming New Year. Embrace the new season by listening to this upbeat and captivating song!