作者:Actor | 分類:Science and Technology
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Little Art Films-Online film channel for U12 art-loving kids
療癒藝術,無距創作,懶得來美術館嗎? 在影片中也可以小玩藝,因為即日起宅在家裡也可以看到,創意手作,繪本聽故事,和藝術家玩空間…
Enjoy a lot of Kids and Family Programs on line! Kids can see exactly how to create their own art project inspired by a work of art in the Museum’s collection, as well as listen along to the stories based on the curator's choice.
躺在沙發上也可以製作生日卡片哩,快去院子裡撿一片大葉子,跟著魔JJ製作自己的生日卡片, 給爸爸媽媽的生日卡片?還是製作一張給台北當代藝術館的生日卡片?它滿二十歲囉!生日快樂!
Pen, paper, and everyday items — that are all you'll need to make your own masterpiece learning from our artists of current exhibit. Follow along with our educators as they teach you how to create your very own!
台北當代藝術館 MoCA TAIPEI│