作者:Actor | 分類:Audible Stories
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台鐵與客家 Railway and Hakka community
客家人在台灣鐵路的發展上扮演重要角色。清朝時期,官員劉銘傳在臺灣招募客家人興建並完成首條鐵路。日治時期,日本人招募客家人興建西部鐵路。直到現代,都能看到客家人的身影擔任台鐵員工。 The Hakka community has played a crucial role in the development of Taiwan's railways. Back in the Qing Dynasty, official Liu Ming-chuan recruited Hakka people to construct and complete Taiwan's first railway line. During the Japanese colonial era, the Japanese enlisted the Hakka community to build the western railway. Even today, you can still find Hakka individuals working for Taiwan Railways.