作者:Actor | 分類:Audible Stories
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國立客家兒童合唱團 National Taiwan Hakka Children’s Choir
2019年成立的「國立客家兒童合唱團(National Taiwan Hakka Children’s Choir)」由彭孟賢(Peng Meng-Hsien)擔任團長、藝術總監以及指揮。國立客家兒童合唱團在創團第一年便在國家音樂廳進行演出、去年度拍攝首支MV、今年更踏上衛武營舉辦音樂會,累積多場演出經驗,希望藉這個合唱團來傳唱客家文化。 The National Taiwan Hakka Children’s Choir aims to spread and celebrate Hakka culture through their singing. Founded in 2019, the choir is led by Peng Meng-Hsien, who serves as the group leader, artistic director, and conductor. In its very first year, the choir performed at the National Concert Hall. Last year, they made their first music video. And… this year, they even held a concert at National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts. Through these experiences they’re well on their way to success.