作者:Actor | 分類:Audible Stories
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花生豆腐 Peanut Tofu
「花生豆腐」是客家人製作的獨特在地美食,它的原料很簡單,主要為花生和在來米,沒有豆腐喔!它是利用花生與在來米做成帶有濃厚花生香味的粄,口感綿密像豆腐,所以才命名為「花生豆腐」。如今多在屏東六堆地區的內埔、高雄的美濃區及臺南能看到它的蹤跡。想品嘗花生豆腐的獨特滋味,就到這些客家庄去吧! "Peanut Tofu" is a delicacy crafted by the Hakka people, and despite its name, it contains no tofu! The primary ingredients are peanuts and rice, creating a dense, cake-like dish with a pronounced peanut flavor. The smooth, almost tofu-like texture led to its intriguing name "Peanut Tofu". This specialty is commonly found in the Neipu area of the Liudui region in Pingtung. So if you're looking to experience the unique flavor of Peanut Tofu, make sure to pay a visit to Hakka communities!