作者:Actor | 分類:Audible Stories
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米莎 Misa【蝓螺】Snail
歌手米莎的全新專輯《蝓螺》中的同名歌曲《蝓螺》,中文就是「蝸牛」的意思。米莎從蝸牛螺旋狀的殼、爬行動作,延伸出「時間是螺旋狀且不斷前進,而且過去發生的事情還會重複發生」概念,形容人們的時間像是蝸牛那螺旋狀的殼一樣,從以前走到現在,周而復始的往未來邁進。 聽過這首歌曲後,你對於時間的想像會是螺旋狀、圓形還是其他樣貌呢? The title song of Misa's new album "蝓螺" means "snail" in Chinese. Misa extended the concept from the spiral shell and crawling movement of snails to describe that time is like a spiral that’s constantly moving forwards, and events that happened in the past will repeat themselves. She compares people's time to the spiral shell of a snail, walking from the past to the present, and repeatedly moving towards the future. After listening to this song, what shape or form does time seem to take? A spiral, circle, or something else?