Author:Actor | Type:Audible Stories
Authorization Unit:客家委員會
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邱淑蟬【行 On the Way】
創作歌手邱淑蟬的音樂之路是從大學時期開始的,在那時候她學會了彈吉他,並在大人的保護傘之下成長,畢業後脫離保護傘成為社會人士,身分上的轉換讓邱淑蟬感到混亂,後來她慢慢找到生活的節奏、不再徬徨,於是將這段人生經歷,創作為歌曲《行》。邱淑蟬透過這首歌告訴聽眾,迷惘只是一時的,只要找到目標就能夠繼續行走於人生道路上。 Chiu Shu Chan is a singer-songwriter who started her music career in college. That's when she learned to play the guitar. After finishing college, she entered the adult world, leaving behind the protective environment she had been in. This change made her feel uncertain for a while. However, she eventually found her footing in life and stopped feeling lost. She used this personal journey as inspiration for her song titled "On the Way." In this song, she wants to tell listeners that it's okay to feel confused sometimes; what matters is finding a goal to guide you in life.