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Author:Actor | Type:Audible Stories

Authorization Unit:客家委員會

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ICRT客家風情-發現客家之美 客家視角看萬聖節 Hakka aspect: Halloween 在西方國家的民俗信仰裡,認為萬聖節這天鬼魂幽靈會到人間進入活人世界,而台灣的中元節也一樣認為陰間鬼神會到人間。在客家的民俗信仰裡,「義民祭(Yimin Festival)」則是會祭拜因為保衛家園而犧牲的祖先,這天除了會進行祭祀,也有放水燈等儀式。 In Western traditions, it's believed that ghosts and spirits come into the world of the living on Halloween. In Taiwan, the Ghost Festival, also known as Zhongyuan Festival, reflects a similar belief that spirits from the netherworld visit the human world. In Hakka culture, there's a special event called the Yimin Festival. On this day, people honor their ancestors who sacrificed their lives to protect their homeland. In addition to ceremonies to pay respect, they also have rituals like floating water lanterns.