Author:Actor | Type:Audible Stories
Authorization Unit:客家委員會
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世界客家博覽會 2023 Hakka Expo
由客家委員會與桃園市政府共同舉辦的「2023世界客家博覽會」將在8月11日到10月15日開展,這是世界上首次以客家族群文化為主軸的博覽會。 在為期66天的展覽中,除了有國內、外表演團體帶來精彩展演,也有大型地景裝置藝術、主題市集與客家美食饗宴。在這裡,民眾能用輕鬆有趣的方式,瞭解來自世界各地的客家文化與特色。 The "2023 Hakka Expo" is set to take place from August 11 to October 15. This marks the first global expo centered around the culture of the Hakka ethnic group. Throughout the exhibit, visitors can expect not only performances by local and international troupes, but also grand displays of landscape installation art and an assortment of Hakka culinary delights. The event provides an engaging and enjoyable opportunity for attendees to explore Hakka culture from various regions worldwide.