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Author:Actor | Type:Audible Stories

Authorization Unit:客家委員會

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ICRT客家風情-客家歌曲介紹 生祥樂隊【ばか Fool (Baka)】 人日復一日的生活,今天複製貼上昨天、明天亦如此的過下去。行到中年時卻面臨碰壁,就像螺絲崩牙在原地空轉、進退不得。 這首由生祥樂隊演唱的《ばか》,歌名以日文發音,意思是「笨蛋」,正是唱出這種愚笨的人生狀態。歌曲巧妙地混和嗩吶、電吉他 、邦哥鼓、電風琴、木魚等中、西樂器,運用正拍、反拍、轉調等手法營造出詼諧有趣的曲調。 Living the same routine each day, with today mirroring yesterday and tomorrow expected to be the same. However, upon reaching midlife, one often hits a wall, akin to a stripped screw that can only spin in place without moving forward or backward. This predicament of a seemingly foolish existence is depicted in the song "ばか", performed by the Sheng Xiang & Band. The title of the song, pronounced in Japanese, translates to "fool". The song ingeniously blends various Eastern and Western musical instruments, including the suona, electric guitar, bongo drums, electric organs, and wood blocks. By employing rhythmic patterns, counter rhythms, and key modulations, it constructs a tune that is simultaneously whimsical and engaging.