Author:Actor | Type:Audible Stories
Authorization Unit:客家委員會
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羅思容與孤毛頭樂團 Lo Sirong & Gomoteu【今本日係馬】Today is Wild Horse
由羅思容創作的《今本日係馬》歌曲,以「時間」為概念,運用小提琴、吉他、低音大提琴交互對談,呈現出「今日」、「明日」和「昨日」。羅思容將「今日」比喻為馬,人們受到滿滿的行程追趕,要馬不停蹄的往前跑;「明日」像虎,充滿慾望的張大著口將一切吞下;「昨日」像風鈴,叮噹響的提示著生命的過往以及說不完的故事。 In the song "Today is a Wild Horse," composed by Lo Sirong, time is creatively portrayed through the use of musical dialogue involving the violin, guitar, and double bass. The song presents metaphors for "today", "tomorrow", and "yesterday". "Today" is likened to a horse, symbolizing how our busy schedules constantly drive us, similar to an incessantly galloping horse. "Tomorrow" is metaphorically depicted as a tiger, a creature full of voracious desires, ready to consume all that comes its way. "Yesterday" is compared to the subtle sound of a wind chime, which gently reminds us of the narratives of our past and the countless stories left untold.