Author:Actor | Type:Audible Stories
Authorization Unit:客家委員會
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粹垢樂團 TRAEGO【濛沙煙个愛】Misty Love
客家龐克樂團「粹垢」看到百姓無力改變不公義的社會現況,頗為可憐,便用客語「可憐」當作團名。 歌曲「濛沙煙个愛」運用快速的節奏、嘶吼的唱腔,直接且猛烈的唱出:原以為單純的採茶姑娘,卻蒙騙男人到處拈花惹草,讓男人痛心不已。無論男人再怎麼竭力吶喊也喚不回幻想中的純情姑娘,一曲道出「原來你愛上的,一切都只是想像。」 The Hakka punk band "TRAEGO" was inspired by the helplessness of people to change the unfairness in society, leading them to adopt the Hakka word for "pitiful" as their band name. Their song "Misty Love" features a fast tempo and powerful, roaring vocals. It tells the story of a tea-picking girl who initially seems innocent but deceives men by flirting and causing a stir. This deception leaves the men heartbroken. Despite their desperate attempts to scream and call out for the girl they imagined, they cannot bring her back. The song's message is that everything they fell in love with was merely a figment of their imagination.