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Author:Actor | Type:Audible Stories

Authorization Unit:客家委員會

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ICRT客家風情-客家歌曲介紹 曾仲瑋Robin Tseng【四季歌】Seasons Song 來自新竹的創作歌手曾仲瑋以《四季歌》一曲點出四季的客家味,在春天賞桐花、夏天吃西瓜、秋天嚐柿餅、冬天吃桶柑。編曲則用康加鼓、牛鈴、木琴還有吉他營造出中美洲風情,希望能讓大家了解~原來在客家村落裡,一年四季有不同變化,各種風景都各有特色。 Originating from Hsinchu, singer-songwriter Robin Tseng captures the essence of the four seasons in Hakka culture through his song "Seasons Song." The lyrics celebrate the distinct features of each season: admiring tung blossoms in spring, eating watermelon in summer, tasting dried persimmons in autumn, and enjoying tankan oranges in winter. The musical arrangement incorporates congas, cowbells, xylophones, and guitars, evoking a Central American atmosphere. The song highlights how Hakka villages experience diverse changes throughout the year, with each season offering its own unique landscape and charm.