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Author:Actor | Type:Audible Stories

Authorization Unit:客家委員會

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ICRT客家風情-客家歌曲介紹 陳瑋儒【油桐花開的時節】When the tung blossom blooming 又到了雪白油桐花紛飛的季節~ 來自新竹縣竹東的客語歌手陳瑋儒,總會在桐花祭時跟弟弟拎著吉他到處去演出,桐花祭的現場人山人海,遊客拿著相機和桐花照相,而陳瑋儒跟弟弟則在舞台上唱著歌,台下歌迷歡呼著,大家心中的快樂滿溢著。現在,跟著《油桐花開的時節》這首輕快的歌曲,踏步賞桐去吧! It's the season of snow-white tung blossoms falling again~ Chen Wei-roo, a Hakka singer from Zhudong Township, Hsinchu County, always performs with his brother and guitar at the Tung Blossom Festival. The festival attracts crowds of people who take photos with the blossoms while Chen and his brother sing on stage. The audience cheers and the atmosphere is filled with joy. Now, follow the cheerful song "When the Tung Blossom Blooming" and go out to enjoy the blossoms!